
Radiography recommended text books


This textbook list is also available sorted by the number of modules for which it is the module text.

A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z 
Altman D.G. (2005), Practical Statistics for Medical Research, Chapman & Hall, ISBN 1-58-488039-2 (UL: W 150 ALT)
Supplementary for Project Studies 1 (PAM2005) and Digital Image Processing for Radiographers (PAM3012).

Baggott R. (2004), Health and Health Care in Britain (3rd edition), Palgrave Macmillan, ISBN 0-333-96159-5 (UL: 362.10941 BAG)
Supplementary for Professional Skills for Radiographers (PAM3015) and Placement for Health Science (PAM3014).

Blake G., Wahner H.W. and Fogelman I. (1994), The Evaluation of Osteoporosis: Dual Energy X-ray Absorptiometry in Clinical Practice (2nd edition), Martin Dunitz, ISBN 978-1853174728 (UL: 616.716 BLA)
Supplementary for Clinical Imaging 2 (PAM2003).

Bontrager K.L. (2009), Textbook of Radiographic Positioning and Related Anatomy (7th edition), Mosby, ISBN 0-323-05410-2 (UL: 616.0757 BON/X)
Supplementary for Practice Placement 2 (PAM2006), Practice Placement 3 (PAM3005) and Skeletal Image Interpretation (PAM3006).

Bury T. and Mead J. (1998), Evidence-Based Healthcare, Butterworth-Heinemann, ISBN 0-75-063783-8 (UL: 362.1068 BUR)
Supplementary for Project Studies 1 (PAM2005) and Project Studies 2 (PAM3004).

Carlton R.R. and Adler A.M. (2012), Radiographic Imaging Concepts and Principles (5th edition), Delmar, ISBN 9-781-11131-081-3 (UL: On Order)
Text for Clinical Imaging 2 (PAM2003).

Carter C. and Veale B. (2008), Digital Radiography and PACS, Mosby Elsevier, ISBN 978-0-323-04444-8 (UL: 616.07572 CAR)
Supplementary for Clinical Imaging 2 (PAM2003).

Chesney D.N. et al. (1994), Chesney's Equipment for Student Radiographers, Blackwell Science, ISBN 0-63-202724-X (UL: 616.0757 CHE)
Supplementary for Clinical Imaging 3 (PAM2004).

Chesney D.N. (1995), Chesney's Radiographic Imaging (6th edition), Blackwell Science, ISBN 0-632-03901-9 (UL: 616.075 CHA)
Supplementary for Clinical Imaging 2 (PAM2003).

Clark K.C. (2005), Clark's Positioning in Radiography (12th edition), Hodder Arnold, ISBN 0-340-76390-6 (UL: 616.0757 CLA/X)
Supplementary for Practice Placement 2 (PAM2006) and Practice Placement 3 (PAM3005).

College of Radiographers (2003), Clinical Supervision Framework, Society and College of Radiographers, ISBN 1-871101-02-6 (UL: PAM 616.0757 CLI/X)
Supplementary for Professional Skills for Radiographers (PAM3015) and Placement for Health Science (PAM3014).

College of Radiographers (2005), The Child and the Law: The Roles and Responsibilities of the Radiographer, Society and College of Radiographers, ISBN 1-87110-127-1 (UL: PAM 616.0757 CHI/X)
Supplementary for Pathology for Radiographers (PAM2012), Placement for Health Science (PAM3014) and Professional Skills for Radiographers (PAM3015).

College of Radiographers (2006), Medical Image Interpretation and Clinical Reporting by Non-Radiologists, the Role of the Radiographer, Society and College of Radiographers, ISBN 1-871101-22-0 (UL: 616.0757 MED)
Supplementary for Skeletal Image Interpretation (PAM3006).

College of Radiographers (2006), Health Care Associated Infections (HCAIs) Practical Guidance and Advice, Society and College of Radiographers, ISBN 1-87110-139-5 (UL: XXX)
Supplementary for Professional Skills for Radiographers (PAM3015) and Placement for Health Science (PAM3014).

College of Radiographers (2007), Consent to Imaging and Radiotherapy Treatment Examinations, Society and College of Radiographers, ISBN 9871-871101-42-5 (UL: PAM 616.0757 CON/X)
Supplementary for Practice Placement 2 (PAM2006) and Practice Placement 3 (PAM3005).

College of Radiographers (2007), Safety in Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Society and College of Radiographers, ISBN 9871-871101-41-7 (UL: XXX)
Supplementary for Clinical Imaging 3 (PAM2004).

College of Radiographers (2008), Code of Conduct and Ethics, Society and College of Radiographers, ISBN 9871-871101-45-X (UL: XXX)
Supplementary for Practice Placement 2 (PAM2006) and Practice Placement 3 (PAM3005).

Day R.A (1989), How to write and publish a scientific paper (3rd edition), Cambridge University Press, ISBN 0-521-36760-3 (UL: 501.49 DAY)
Supplementary for Project Studies 2 (PAM3004).

Dendy P.P. and Heaton B. (1999), Physics for Diagnostic Radiology, Institute of Physics Publishing, ISBN 0-750-30591-6 (UL: WN 400 DEN)
Supplementary for Science for Medical Imaging (PAM2011) and Clinical Imaging 2 (PAM2003).

Descombe M. (2003), The Good Research Guide: for Small-scale Social Research Projects, Buckingham OU Press (UL: XXX)
Supplementary for Project Studies 1 (PAM2005).

Duck F.A. et al. (1998), Ultrasound in Medicine (Medical Science S.), Institute of Physics Publishing, ISBN 0-75-030593-2 (UL: 616.07543 ULT)
Supplementary for Clinical Imaging 3 (PAM2004).

Eisenberg R.L. and Johnson N.M. (2012), Comprehensive Radiographic Pathology (5th edition), Mosby, ISBN 978-0-323-07847-4 (UL: 616.07572 EIS)
Text for Pathology for Radiographers (PAM2012).

Field A. (2000), Discovering statistics using SPSS for windows, Sage (UL: 519.50245 FIE)
Supplementary for Project Studies 1 (PAM2005).

Fincham R. and Rhodes P. (1999), Principles of Organisational Behaviour (3rd edition), Oxford Press, ISBN 0-19-877577-6 (UL: 658.3 FIN/X)
Supplementary for Professional Skills for Radiographers (PAM3015) and Placement for Health Science (PAM3014).

Gonzalez R.C. and Woods R.E. (2001), Digital Image Processing (2nd edition), Pearson Education, ISBN 0-13-094650-8 (UL: 001.534 GON)
Supplementary for Digital Image Processing for Radiographers (PAM3012).

Graham D.T., Cloke P. and Vosper M. (2011), Principles and Applications of Radiological Physics (6th edition), Churchill Livingstone, ISBN 978-0-702-04309-3 (UL: 610.28 GRA)
Text for Science for Medical Imaging (PAM2011).

Hader D.P. (2001), Image Analysis: Methods and Applications (2nd edition), CRC Pres, ISBN 0-84-930239-0 (UL: 578 HAD)
Supplementary for Digital Image Processing for Radiographers (PAM3012).

Hammell K.W., Carpenter C. and Dyck I. (2000), Using qualitative research - a practical introduction for occupational and physical therapists, Churchill Livingstone, ISBN 0-4430-6232-3 (UL: 615.7515 USI)
Supplementary for Project Studies 1 (PAM2005) and Project Studies 2 (PAM3004).

Hannagan T. (1998), Management Concepts and Practices (2nd edition), Financial Times Publishing, ISBN 0-273-63103-9 (UL: 658 HAN)
Supplementary for Professional Skills for Radiographers (PAM3015) and Placement for Health Science (PAM3014).

Hicks C. (2004), Research methods for clinical therapists, Churchill Livingstone, ISBN 0-443-07430-5 (UL: 615.8515 HIC)
Supplementary for Project Studies 1 (PAM2005) and Project Studies 2 (PAM3004).

Higgs J. and others (2008), Clinical Reasoning in the Health Professions (3rd edition), Butterworth-Heinemann, ISBN 978-0750688857 (UL: WB 141 CLI)
Supplementary for Professional Skills for Radiographers (PAM3015) and Placement for Health Science (PAM3014).

Johns C. (2006), Becoming a Reflective Practitioner, Blackwell, ISBN 1-4051-1833-4 (UL: WY 24 JOH)
Supplementary for Practice Placement 2 (PAM2006).

Kowalczyk N. and Mace J.D. (2008), Radiographic Pathology for Technologists (5th edition), Mosby, ISBN 0-323-04887-0 (UL: 616.0757 KOW)
Supplementary for Pathology for Radiographers (PAM2012) and Skeletal Image Interpretation (PAM3006).

Kremkau F.W. (2002), Diagnostic Ultrasound: Principles and Instruments (6th edition), , ISBN 0-721-69330-X (UL: WN 420 KRE)
Supplementary for Clinical Imaging 3 (PAM2004).

Lilley M (2002), An A-Z of Management for Healthcare Professionals, Radcliffe-Oxford, ISBN 978-1857759532 (UL: 658 LIL)
Supplementary for Professional Skills for Radiographers (PAM3015) and Placement for Health Science (PAM3014).

McConnell J., Eyres R. and Nightingale J. (2005), Interpreting Trauma Radiographs, Blackwell, ISBN 1-4051-1534 (UL: 616.0757 MAC)
Text for Skeletal Image Interpretation (PAM3006).

McRobbie D.W. and et al. (2003), MRI from Picture to Proton, Cambridge University Press, ISBN 0-521-68384-X (UL: WN 418 MRI)
Supplementary for Clinical Imaging 3 (PAM2004).

Moulin M. (2002), Delivering Excellence in Health and Social Care, Open University Press, ISBN 7-80335-20888-3 (UL: XXX)
Supplementary for Professional Skills for Radiographers (PAM3015) and Placement for Health Science (PAM3014).

Oakley J. (2006), Digital Imaging, A Primer for Radiographers, Radiologists and Health Care Professionals, Cambridge University Press, ISBN 1-841-10121-4 (UL: 616.0754 OAK)
Supplementary for Clinical Imaging 2 (PAM2003).

Pallant J. (2010), SPSS Survival Manual (4th edition), Open University, ISBN 978-0-335-24239-9 (UL: 005.55 PAL)
Supplementary for Project Studies 2 (PAM3004).

Polgar S. and Thomas S.A. (2007), Introduction to Research in the Health Sciences (5th edition), Churchill Livingstone, ISBN 978-0-443-07429-5 (UL: WB 25 POL)
Supplementary for Project Studies 2 (PAM3004).
Text for Project Studies 1 (PAM2005).

Powsner R.A. and Powsner E.R (1998), Essentials of Nuclear Medicine Physics., Blackwell Science Inc., ISBN 0-63-204314-8 (UL: 530.02461 POW)
Supplementary for Clinical Imaging 3 (PAM2004).

Raby N. (2003), Accident and Emergency Radiology - A Survival Guide (2nd edition), Saunders Ltd, ISBN 0-702-02667-0 (UL: 616.0757 RAB )
Supplementary for Skeletal Image Interpretation (PAM3006).
Text for Practice Placement 2 (PAM2006) and Skeletal Image Interpretation (PAM3006).

Roberts-Phelps G. (1999), Working Smarter, Ashford Colour Press, ISBN 1-154181-47-5 (UL: 658.5421 ROB)
Supplementary for Professional Skills for Radiographers (PAM3015) and Placement for Health Science (PAM3014).

Sarantakos S. (2004), Social Research (3rd edition), Macmillan Press, ISBN 978-1403943200 (UL: 300.72 SAR)
Supplementary for Project Studies 2 (PAM3004).

Sharp P.F., Gemmell H.G. and Murray A.D. (2005), Practical Nuclear Medicine (3rd edition), Springer, ISBN 1-852-33875-X (UL: 616.07575 PRA)
Supplementary for Clinical Imaging 3 (PAM2004).

Tortora G.J. and Derrickson B. (2011), Principles of Anatomy and Physiology (13th edition), John Wiley, ISBN 978-0-470-92429-7 (UL: 612 TOR/X)
Supplementary for Pathology for Radiographers (PAM2012) and Skeletal Image Interpretation (PAM3006).

Walton M. (1997), Management and Managing: Leadership in the NHS (2nd edition), Stanley Thomas Ltd, ISBN 9-9780748-73324-8 (UL: WX 135 WAL)
Supplementary for Professional Skills for Radiographers (PAM3015) and Placement for Health Science (PAM3014).

Young H.D., Freedman R.A. and Ford A.L. (2013), University Physics with Modern Physics Technology Update (13th edition), Addison-Wesley, ISBN 978-1-292-02063-1 (UL: 530 YOU)
Supplementary for Science for Medical Imaging (PAM2011).



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