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Electrochemistry has an established place in medical research and clinical monitoring through instruments such as the blood gas monitor and the "glucose pen" for diabetes monitoring. However, in vivo measurements using microelectrodes implanted into tissue have remained problematical. In order to start to overcome these problems we have just begun to employ boron doped diamond (BDD) electrodes in studies of cartilage and disc tissue. (Industrial link: Diamond Detectors). This electrode material is highly biocompatible lending itself to biological studies and in vivo use.
We have combined electrochemistry with SERS to investigate molecular mechanisms underlying the operation of the self-assembled monolayer/enzyme electrode systems that are relatively well established in applications such as glucose sensing.
We have developed instrumentation and protocols for the measurement of tissue oxygenation and nutrient delivery in humans. These methods are now widely used in the UK and abroad and current projects include studies on the myocardium during coronary bypass surgery, on the degeneration of the intervertebral disc and cartilage and on wound healing.
In collaboration with Dr Jill Urban, Department of Physiology, Anatomy and Genetics, University of Oxford, we are currently developing electrochemical techniques which will enable in vitro studies of disc and cartilage tissue metabolism to be undertaken.
Work has also been undertaken within the group to investigate the electrochemistry of zinc and steel in contact with ophthalmic solutions commonly used in surgery. This is in order to understand the mechanisms which lead to extensive ocular damage occurring when metal fragments enter the eye.
Ultra-microelectrodes can also be used on cells and tissue cultures in vitro. They offer very high temporal resolution and, particularly in approaches such as scanning electrochemical microscopy, allow micron scale spatial resolution. We are currently working to exploit these advantages to study metabolism at the cellular level.
We are also trying to develop new electrodes for short lived species such as free radicals and signalling molecules which play such an important part in many areas of pathophysiology. We have research links in this area with: Prof. Paul Winyard (Peninsular Medical School) who has research interests in oxidative stress and Dr Matt Whiteman who has research interests in hydrogen sulphide electrochemistry.
In collaboration with the Quantum Systems and Nanomaterials group, we have started to explore the potential applications of graphene as a biological sensor platform.
Prof. C. P. Winlove (Group Leader)
Dr. S. M. Strawbridge (Daphne Jackson Research Fellow)
Dr. D. R. Rosseinsky (Honorary Fellow)