

Imaging Fish Gill Vasculature with CARS microscopy. Find out more

Biophotonics is the science of generating and harnessing light (photons) to image, detect and manipulate biological materials.

Optical techniques offer many unique advantages over other approaches for studying biological systems, including structural and functional contrast, cellular level spatial resolution, near real-time analysis and non-invasiveness.


NIR image sequenceOur work focuses on the development and application of photonic techniques to aid the characterisation of biological tissues in both healthy and diseased states.

We have a state-of-the-art multiphoton imaging spectroscopy laboratory, which is strongly supported by staff with expertise in both the development and biological applications of multiphoton technology.

We work closely with the electromagnetic materials group to develop enhanced photonic detection schemes based local field enhancements generated by metallic nanostructures.

Biomedical opticsWe always welcome collaboration and are happy to visit interested parties to give presentations and/or host tours of our facilities.


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