Research Groups and Projects
Research in the School of Physics was rated Grade 5A in the most
recent Research
Assessment Exercise.
We study star formation using a combination of observational and
theoretical approaches. We use large-scale ground- and space-based
facilities whilst numerical simulation is carried out both in Exeter
and on national super-computers. The focus of the group in a single
area, and the direct combination of observation in multiple
wavelength bands together with theory is exceptional in the UK, and
allows us to make a significant impact on the international stage.
We explore the fundamental biophysical processes associated with cell
and tissue function, and development novel methods for their
physiological investigation and clinical monitoring. Our research on
cells concerns the biophysical properties of the cell membrane with
projects spanning theoretical modelling and research on model systems
to studies on whole cells.
Our research focus is on the interaction between light and matter.
Our interests lie in electromagnetic materials that possess structure
from the nanometre to centimetre scale. The primary activities are
plasmonics, liquid crystals, photonics in nature, magnetism,
spintronics, materials for data storage applications, ultrafast
phenomena and metamaterials. Our interests span from the UV to
microwaves, and we pursue a combined experimental/theoretical
We explore the new states of matter in low-dimensional systems, caused
by electron-electron interactions, and the properties of novel bulk
and nanostructured materials. Experimental studies include
complementary measurements of electronic, optical and thermodynamic
properties. Computational and analytical techniques are used to study
electron, optical and phonon properties of bulk materials, surfaces
and nanostructures.