Medical Physics Research Group
The Medical Physics Group WWW pages are at
The Medical Physics Group is part of the School of Physics at the University
of Exeter and has three academic staff (Dr I R Summers, Dr S J
Matcher and Dr M Clemence), one principal experimental officer (Mr R E Ellis),
one technician, research fellows, research assistants and postgraduate students.
Medical Physics research topics at Exeter (see below) are linked by a common
expertise in instrumentation, data acquisition and signal processing, allowing
easy interaction between all members of the group. Much of our work is carried
out in association with local hospitals, other UK and international research
groups and/or industrial collaborators.
Medical Physics is a rapidly expanding discipline which concerns the
application of experimental and theoretical physics techniques to medical
diagnosis and treatment. The subject initially grew out of the involvement of
physicists in the use of ionising radiations in both diagnostic and therapeutic
applications, but nowadays Medical Physics has expanded to embrace a very wide
spectrum of physics, including optics, ultrasonics, magnetism and electronics,
with applications in a wide range of medical and surgical procedures. One of the
many attractions of research in Medical Physics is that it involves working in a
multi-disciplinary environment. Experiments generally require measurements on
groups of human subjects with inherent variability and it is often a demanding
task to establish statistically valid results.
The School offers Honours Degree programmes in Physics with Medical Physics
(MPhys) and Physics with Medical Applications (BSc); also an MSc programme in
Medical Physics. Research students within the group are expected to attend
lectures from these programmes and thus acquire a general background in Medical
Physics in addition to the specialist knowledge required for a particular
research topic. Within the group at Exeter presentations by research students at
international conferences, national conferences and other meetings are strongly
Primary Research Areas
Magnetic Resonance Imaging
The Group has been in the forefront of research into low-cost systems for imaging
a particular part of the body. We now have three systems for imaging the hand,
wrist, leg or head. Particular attention has been concentrated on high-resolution
imaging and imaging of pathology associated with diabetes and arthritis, e.g.
degeneration of cartilage in arthritic joints. We are currently attempting to
quantify the effect of different imaging procedures on subjective image quality
and expanding our studies of the fundamental parameters that affect the
magnetic-resonance signal. This latter area is in its infancy and is potentially
very important for the interpretation of images in terms of the underlying
pathology. In diabetes research magnetic resonance imaging has demonstrated the
exciting possibility that the formation of ulcers can be predicted in the foot
and lower limb; this research is being pursued with clinicians and a
pharmaceutical company.
Physics in Human Perception
Previous work on the transmission of speech via vibrators on the skin resulted in
the TAM device which has proved to be one of the most successful of the
commercially available tactile aids for the profoundly deaf. This research has
now expanded into a range of projects on digital and analogue speech processing,
optimisation of information transfer via the sense of touch, design of
high-efficiency vibrators, characterisation of normal and impaired hearing, and
visual presentation of speech-derived information. We are also investigating the
use of arrays on the skin to produce 'virtual reality' touch sensations.
Clinical Measurements
Our recent investigations have shown that respiration during feeding is
co-ordinated in a more complex manner than has previously been recognised. This
is particularly significant because it is now possible to attribute the
swallowing problems observed in some neurologically impaired patients and some
premature infants to a failure of this co-ordination. We are currently
investigating clinical use of the instrumentation we have developed to monitor
the timecourse of swallowing and respiration.
Veterinary Physics
This pioneering work, in conjunction with a local veterinary surgeon, has
concentrated on the horse. In studies of respiration during locomotion we are
investigating the co-ordination of the respiratory cycle with the locomotive
cycle and the relation between breathing difficulties and impaired performance.
Nuclear-medicine techniques developed for humans are currently being used to
study defects in the equine skeleton. Exeter is one of very few veterinary
centres where the techniques for such measurements have been developed.
Experimental Facilities
- Three horizontal-bore superconducting magnets for magnetic resonance imaging (bores of 310, 310 and 560 mm)
- Three magnetic-resonance imaging consoles
- Radio-frequency spectrum analyser and other equipment to characterise magnetic resonance signals
- Soundproof room for audio recording and for tests of auditory perception
- A large number of PCs for data analysis and control of experiments, many fitted with dedicated hardware cards for data capture, signal processing, image display, etc.
- Local network for exchange of image data, etc. throughout the group
- Patient-handling facilities within the laboratory
- Access to clinical facilities, patients and Hospital Physicists at local hospitals
- Nuclear medicine facility (gamma camera, etc.) for veterinary measurements
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Physics Research Groups at Exeter.