Go to Postgraduate Admissions Status Table
The Postgraduate Admissions Status Table lists the current applicants for postgraduate study at the School of Physics, and shows the status of their applications.
This information is confidential and should only be shared with academic staff within the School.
At present, astrophysics applicants are not included in the table.
Application forms are kept by the PG Admissions Tutor. They may be viewed or taken for photocopying on request.
Staff must not make offers of PG places to students. All offers must come from the PG Admissions Tutor, and eventually, formally through the University. This applies even if the studentship is funded through a staff member's grant or industrial collaboration. The reason for this is that applicants have to meet various conditions in order to be eligible for studentships, and these must be stated correctly when an offer is made.
Home/EU Students
If you have a funded studentship, you may contact any applicants who:
• have expressed an interest in your Research Group, and
• have not also specified a supervisor (other than yourself), and
• whose status column does not show an action involving another potential supervisor.
If you do not have funding but wish to be considered for a DTA studentship, you may approach students whose status shows them to be in the DTA pool, provided the conditions above are also met.
In the case of students who do specify a particular supervisor, that supervisor will be given a reasonable amount of time to obtain funding for the student, but after that time, the student will be asked to consider other supervisors. Students who agree to do so may then be approached by other staff.
International Students
If an international applicant cannot be interviewed face-to-face, a telephone interview (or equivalent) must be conducted before an offer can be made.
Fully funded international applicants may be contacted subject to the same conditions as home/EU students. The exact extent of the funding (fee level, subsistence, travel, bench fees) should be extablished before any offer can be made.
Options for funding unfunded international students are limited, but exceptional applicants can be put forward for the annual ORSAS and ERS competitions.
This page is maintained by the PG Admissions Tutor, currently Alan Usher. Please let me know if any of the information is incorrect or unclear.