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Three-phonon processes and third-order atomic coupling constants
G. P. Srivastava, D P Singh and G S Verma
Solid State Phys and Nucl Phys (India) 12C, 187-190 (1969).
Variational treatment of the Ziman limit of thermal resistance due to umklapp processes
G. P. Srivastava and G S Verma
Solid State Phys and Nucl Phys (India) 13C, 531-534 (1970).
A two-sided variational approach for phonon conductivity
G. P. Srivastava
Solid State Phys and Nucl Phys (India) 15C, 491-494 (1973).
Forward to Professor G. P. Srivastava publications in Solid State Sciences (1 publication).