School of Physics

Quantum Systems and Nanomaterials Group

Professor G. P. Srivastava publications by Srivastava, GP

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Review of '`Introduction to Phonons and Electrons'' by L.-F. Lou (World Scientific, 2003)
G P Srivastava
Contemp. Phys. 45 (2004) 352

The lattice dynamics of rectangular silicon nanowires
S P Hepplestone and G P Srivastava
phys. stat. sol. (c) 1 (2004) 2617-20

Geometry and phonon structure of the SiC(110) surface
H. M. Tütüncü, S. Bagci, S. Duman, G P Srivastava
phys. stat. sol. (c) 1 (2004) 3023-26

First-principles study of electronic and dynamical properties of AuAl_2
H M Tütüncü, H. Altuntas, G P Srivastava, and G. Ugur
phys. stat. sol. (c) 1 (2004) 3027-30

Bismuth nanolines on Si(001) and their influence on mesoscopic surfacestructure
J M MacLeod, C P Lima, R H Miwa, G P Srivastava, and A B McLean
Materials Science and Technology 20 (2004) 951-54

First-principles studies of structural, electronic and dynamicalproperties of Be-Chalcogenides
G P Srivastava, H M Tütüncü, and N Günhan
Phys Rev B 70 (2004) 085206:1-6

Self-organised wires and antiwires on semiconductor surfaces
G P Srivastava and R H Miwa
Appl Surf Sci 234 (2004) 293-304

Ab initio pseudopotential calculations for the electronic andgeometric structures of hydrogen covered Si(114)--(2x1)
R D Smardon and G P Srivastava
Appl Surf Sci 235 (2004) 305-12

First-principles study of surface phonons on the AlN(110) surface
S. Ugur, H M Tütüncü and G P Srivastava
Surf Sci 966-968 (2004) 904-08

First-principles study of structural and dynamical properties ofalpha-Sn(001)(2x1)
H M Tütüncü, G P Srivastava and T T Guzelsoy
Surf Sci 966-968 (2004) 900-03

Ab initio pseudopotential calculations for the geometry and electronicstructure of Si(114)-c(2x2)
R D Smardon and G P Srivastava
Surf Sci 966-968 (2004) 895-99

Study of long wavelength nonequilibrium optical phonon dynamics incubic and hexagonal semiconductors
S Barman and G P Srivastava
Phys Rev B 69 (2004) 235208:1-16

Electronic structure of a stepped semiconductor surface: Densityfunctional theory of Si(114)-(2x1)
R D Smardon, G P Srivastava, and S J Jenkins
Phys Rev B 69 (2004) 085303:1-6

The geometry of Bi nanolines on Si(001)
R H Miwa, J M MacLeod, G P Srivastava and A B McLean
Appl. Surf. Sci. 244 (2005) 157-160

Rotation of ad-dimers in the initial stages of Bi and Si deposition on the Si(001) surface
K Chuasiripattana and G P Srivastava
Phys. Rev. B 71 (2005) 153312:1-4

The electronic origin of contrast reversal in bias-dependent STM images of nanolines
J M MacLeod, R H Miwa, G P Srivastava and A B McLean
Surf. Sci. 576 (2005) 116-122.

Methanol Adsorption on Silicon (001)
R Miotto, G P Srivastava and A C Ferraz
Surf. Sci. 575 (2005) 287-299.

Progressive changes in atomic structure and gap states on Si(001)by Bi adsorption
K Chuasiripattana and G P Srivastava
Surf. Sci. 574 (2005) 43-51.

The electronic properties of Si(001)-Bi(2xn)
A G Mark, J A Lipton-Duffin, J M MacLeod, R H Miwa,G P Srivastava, and A B McLean
J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 17 (2005) 571-580.

Phonon-phonon interactions in single wall carbon nanotubes
S. P. Hepplestone and G P Srivastava
Phys Rev B 74 (2006) 165420:1-11

Ab initio study of atomic geometry and electronic states of GaSb(001) reconstructions
K Chuasiripattana and G P Srivastava
Surf Sci 600 (2006) 3803-08.

The intrinsic lifetime of low-frequency zone-centre phonon modes in silicon nanowires and carbon nanotubes
S. P. Hepplestone and G P Srivastava
Appl Surf Sci 252 (2006) 7726-7729

Atomic geometry, electronic states and possible hydrogen passivation of the InP(111)A surface
K Chuasiripattana and G P Srivastava
Appl Surf Sci 252 (2006) 7678-7683

The electron counting rule and passivation of compound semiconductor surfaces
G P Srivastava
Appl Surf Sci 252 (2006) 7600-7607

Energetic stability, equilibrium geometry and the electronic properties of Bi induced Si(001)-(2xn) surfaces
R H Miwa and G P Srivastava
Phys Rev B 74 (2006) 035301:1-6

Lattice dynamics of silicon nanostructures
S. P. Hepplestone and G P Srivastava
Nanotechnol 17 (2006) 3288-3298

Specific heat calculations of III-N bulk materials
A AlShaikhi and G P Srivastava
phys. stat. sol. (c) 3 (2006) 1495-1498

Thermal conductivity of suspended GaAs nanostructures: Theoretical study
S Barman and G P Srivastava
Phys Rev B 73 (2006) 205308:1-6

Reply to comment by D R Bowler et al ``Bi nanolines on Si(001): registry with the substrate
R H Miwa, J M MacLeod, A B McLean and G P Srivastava
Nanotechnol 17 (2006) 1803-05

Surface morphology effects on the optical phonon modes in InAs$_x$Sb$_{1-x}$ epilayers on GaAs(001)
P Jayavel, S Nakamura, R Kesavamoorthy, G P Srivastava, W Tomoda, T Koyama, Y Hayakawa
Phys Stat Solidi (b) 243 (2006) R19-R21

Electronic and geometric investigations of the Ca/Si(111)-(5x2) surface
A Z AlZahrani and G P Srivastava
Appl. Surf. Sci. 254 (2008) 8083-88

Nanostructure formation aided by self-organised Bi nanolines on Si(001)
G P Srivastava and R H Miwa
Appl. Surf. Sci. 254 (2008) 8075-82

Strain dependence of piezoelectric coefficients for pseudomorphically grown semiconductors
R Garg, V Haxha, M A Migliorato, A Hue, G P Srivastava, T Hammerschmid

Theoretical investigation of electron-phonon interaction in the orthorhombic phase of Mo2C
E. Karaca, S. Bagci, H. M. Tutuncu, H. Y. Uzunok and G P Srivastava
J Alloys and Compounds 788 (2019) 842-851

Erratum: “Control of thermal conductivity with species mass in transition-metal dichalcogenides” [J. Appl. Phys. 123, 135703 (2018)]
I O Thomas and G P Srivastava
J. Appl. Phys. 129 (2021) 129901:1-2

Tunable Electronic Properties of Lateral Monolayer Transition Metal Dichalcogenide Superlattice Nanoribbons
J Wang and G P Srivastava
Nanomaterials 11 (2021) 534:1-22

Corrigendum: Anharmonic, dimensionality and size effects in phonon transport (2017 J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 29 505703)
I O Thomas and G P Srivastava
J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 33 (2021) 088501:1-3

Electronic structure of Si(111) surfaces (check title)
R H Williams, G P Srivastava and I T McGovern
`Electron Properties of Surfaces' (compiled by M Prutton, Publ: Adam Hilger, Bristol) (1985) pp: 71-133

Forward to Professor G. P. Srivastava publications by Sutlu, A. (1 publication).



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