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A study of structural and dynamical properties of a monolayer GaAs on Si(110)
H. M. Tütüncü, G. P. Srivastava and J S Tse
Phys Rev B 66 (2002) 195305:1-7.
Structural and dynamical properties of As overlayers on the GaAs(110) surface
H. M. Tütüncü, G. P. Srivastava and J S Tse
Surf Sci 512 (2002) 67-76.
Phonons on III-N(110) surfaces
H. M. Tütüncü, R Miotto, G. P. Srivastava and J S Tse
Phys Rev B 66 (2002) 115304:1-11.
Phonons on GaN(110)
H. M. Tütüncü, R Miotto, G. P. Srivastava and J S Tse
Appl Phys Lett 80 (2002) 3322-3324.
First-principles study of structural and dynamical properties of As overlayers on InP(110)
H. M. Tütüncü, G. P. Srivastava and J S Tse
Surf Sci 512 (2002) 1-10.
Structural and dynamical properties of As overlayers on the GaAs(110) surface
H M Tütüncü, G. P. Srivastava and J S Tse
Surf Sci 532-535 (2003) 916-921.
Phonon dispersion curves for the AlP(110) surface
H M Tütüncü, G. P. Srivastava and J S Tse
Phonons in Condensed Materials Ed: S P Sanyal and R K Singh, Allied Publishers (2004)
Electronic and dynamical properties of Be2B
H M Tütüncü, G. P. Srivastava and J S Tse
Phonons in Condensed Materials Ed: S P Sanyal and R K Singh, Allied Publishers (2004)
First-principles study of phonon spectrum of BeS and BeSe
H M Tütüncü, G. P. Srivastava and J S Tse
Phonons in Condensed Materials Ed: S P Sanyal and R K Singh, Allied Publishers (2004)
Forward to Professor G. P. Srivastava publications by Tütüncü, H.M. (1 publication).