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Angle-resolved photoemission from the cleaved (110) surface of cadmium telluride
T P Humphreys, G. P. Srivastava and R H Williams
J Phys C 19, 1259-1271 (1986).
The atomic geometry of ZnSe(110): determination by total energy methods
A. C. Ferraz and G. P. Srivastava
J Phys C 19, 5987-5994 (1986).
The electronic band structure of (GaAs)n(AlAs)n superlattices
A. C. Ferraz and G. P. Srivastava
Semicond Sci Technol 1, 169-171 (1986).
Dimensionality and size effects in simple metals
I P Batra, S Ciraci, G. P. Srivastava, C Y Fong and J Nelson
Phys. Rev. B 34, 8246-8257 (1986).
Forward to Professor G. P. Srivastava publications in 1985 (4 publications).