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Calculation of phonon dispersion on the ZnSe(110) surface
H. M. Tütüncü and G. P. Srivastava
Phys. Rev. B 57, 3791-3794 (1998)
An ab initio study of atomic geometry, electronic states and bonding for H2S-adsorption on III-V(110)-(1X1) surfaces
M. Cakmak and G. P. Srivastava
Phys. Rev. B 57, 4486 (1998)
Electronic structure calculations of self-organized PbS-Bi2S3(Ag2S)(113) twinning superlattices
Z. Ikonic ,G. P. Srivastava and J. C. Inkson
Phys. Rev. B 57, 4552 (1998)
Atomic structure of a monolayer of Ge on Si(001)(2X1)
S. J. Jenkins and G. P. Srivastava
Surf. Rev. Lett. 5, 97-100 (1998)
Atomic structure of the GaAs(001)-beta2(2X4) surface
G. P. Srivastava and S. J. Jenkins
Surf. Rev. Lett. 5, 219-222 (1998)
Structural studies of Si(001)/Sb(0.25 ML)-c(4X4)
S. J. Jenkins and G. P. Srivastava
Appl Surf Sci 123, 48-51 (1998)
A study of atomic vibrations on Si(001)(2X1)-Ge
H. M. Tütüncü, S. J. Jenkins and G. P. Srivastava
Appl Surf Sci 123/124, 151-155 (1998)
An ab initio calculation of the adsorption of H2S onto InP(110)-(1X1) surface
M. Cakmak and G. P. Srivastava
Appl Surf Sci 123/124, 52-55 (1998)
Structural, electronic and vibrational properties of the InSb(110) surface
H. M. Tütüncü, M. Cakmak and G. P. Srivastava
Appl Surf Sci 123/124, 146-150 (1998)
Composite electron-hole states in GaSb/InAs quantum wells
A. R. Rundell, G. P. Srivastava, J. C. Inkson, E. A. Johnson and A. Mackinnon
Physica B 249-251, 710-713 (1998)
A study of atomic vibrations on Si(001)(2X1)-Sb
H. M. Tütüncü, S. J. Jenkins and G. P. Srivastava
Surf. Sci. 402-404, 42-46 (1998)
Ab initio density functional calculations for Si(001)/Bi(1ML)-(2X 1)
S. C. A. Gay, S. J. Jenkins and G. P. Srivastava
Surf. Sci. 402-404, 641-644 (1998)
Ab initio calculation of geometry and bonding for overlaid and inlaid models of Si(001)/Sb(0.25ML)-c(4X4)
S. J. Jenkins, G. P. Srivastava, R. J. Dixon and C. F. McConville
Surf. Sci. 402-404, 645-648 (1998)
Vibrational properties of ZnSe(110) surface
H. M. Tütüncü and G. P. Srivastava
Surf. Sci. 402-404, 649-652 (1998)
Theoretical calculations for Si(001)-(2X1)Cl
D. Casagrande, G. P. Srivastava and A. C. Ferraz
Surf. Sci. 402-404, 653-657 (1998)
Theoretical study of the GaAs(110)-H2S surface
M. Cakmak and G. P. Srivastava
Surf. Sci. 402-404, 658-662 (1998)
Atomic geometry, electronic structure and vibrational properties of the Ge(001)(2X1) surface
H. M. Tütüncü, S. J. Jenkins and G. P. Srivastava
Phys. Rev. B 57, 4649 (1998)
Thermodynamic evidence for surfactant behaviour of Sb in the growth of Ge on Si(001)
S. J. Jenkins and G. P. Srivastava
Surf. Sci. 398, L308-L313 (1998)
Structure and energetics of segregated and non-segregated Ge(001)/Si(2X1)
S. J. Jenkins and G. P. Srivastava
Phys. Rev. B 57.8794-8796 (1998)
Atomic vibrations in thin [111] (GaAs)n(AlAs)n superlattices
K. Lambert and G. P. Srivastava
J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 10, 2829-2843 (1998)
Structure and stability of the Si(001) c(4X4)-Sb surface
R. J. Dixon, C. F. McConville, S. J. Jenkins and G. P. Srivastava
Phys. Rev. B 57, R12701-R12704 (1998)
Dissociative adsorption of NH3 on Si(001)-(2X1)
R. Miotto, G. P. Srivastava and A. C. Ferraz
Phys. Rev. B 58, 7944 (1998)
Vibrational properties of Ge- and Sb-adsorbed Si(001) surfaces
H. M. Tütüncü, S. J. Jenkins and G. P. Srivastava
Phys. Rev. B 58, 10754 (1998)
Comparitive ab initio pseudopotential study of group V overlayes on Si(001) surfaces
S. C. A. Gay, S. J. Jenkins and G. P. Srivastava
J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 10, 7751-7768 (1998)
Adsorption and desorption of S on and off Si(001) studied by Ab initio Density Functional Theory
M. Cakmak and G. P. Srivastava
J. Appl. Phys. 84, 6070 (1998)
Coupling-constant dependence of the density functional correlation energy
D P Joubert and G. P. Srivastava
J. Chem. Phys. 109, 5212 (1998)
Forward to Professor G. P. Srivastava publications in 1997 (15 publications).