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Lattice Thermal Conduction Mechanism in Solids
G. P. Srivastava
Publisher: Springer; Editors: S L Shinde and J S Goela (2006) pp 1-35
Electronic structure, phonons and electron-phonon interaction in MgXNi_3 (X=B, C and N)
H. M. Tutuncu and G. P. Srivastava
J Phys: Condensed Matter 18 (2006) 11089-11101
Composition and strain dependence of the piezoelectric coefficients in In_xGa_{1-x}As alloys
M. A. Migliorato, D. Powell, A. G. Cullis, G. J. Rees, M. Moran, T. Hammerschmidt and G. P. Srivastava
Phys Rev B 74 (2006) 245332:1-7
Theoretical examination of whether phonon dispersion in Nb3Sn is anomalous
H. M. Tutuncu, G. P. Srivastava, S. Bagci, and S. Duman
Phys Rev B 74 (2006) 212506:1-4
Phonon-phonon interactions in single wall carbon nanotubes
S. P. Hepplestone and G P Srivastava
Phys Rev B 74 (2006) 165420:1-11
In nanolines and nanoclusters on self--assembled Bi--lines
R.H. Miwa and G.P. Srivastava
Surf Sci 600 (2006) 4048-51.
Ab initio study of atomic geometry and electronic states of GaSb(001) reconstructions
K Chuasiripattana and G P Srivastava
Surf Sci 600 (2006) 3803-08.
Size and Temperature Dependence of the Specific Heat Capacity of Carbon Nanotubes
S. P. Hepplestone, A. M. Ciavarella, C. Janke and G. P. Srivastava
Surf Sci 600 (2006) 3633-36.
Ground state properties of arsenic deposited on the Ge(001)(2x1) surface
S. Duman, S. Bagci, H. M. Tutuncu and G. P. Srivastava
Surf Sci 600 (2006) 3531-35.
Ab initio calculations and dynamical properties of the Se:InP(110) and Te:InP(110)
M. Cangozen, H. M. Tutuncu, Y. Guney and G. P. Srivastava
Surf Sci 600 (2006) 3526-30.
Atomic vibrational modes on GaAs(001)-beta_2(2x4)
H. M. Tutuncu and G. P. Srivastava
Phys Rev B 74 (2006) 073307:1-3
The intrinsic lifetime of low-frequency zone-centre phonon modes in silicon nanowires and carbon nanotubes
S. P. Hepplestone and G P Srivastava
Appl Surf Sci 252 (2006) 7726-7729
Atomic geometry, electronic states and possible hydrogen passivation of the InP(111)A surface
K Chuasiripattana and G P Srivastava
Appl Surf Sci 252 (2006) 7678-7683
The electron counting rule and passivation of compound semiconductor surfaces
G P Srivastava
Appl Surf Sci 252 (2006) 7600-7607
Energetic stability, equilibrium geometry and the electronic properties of Bi induced Si(001)-(2xn) surfaces
R H Miwa and G P Srivastava
Phys Rev B 74 (2006) 035301:1-6
Lattice dynamics of silicon nanostructures
S. P. Hepplestone and G P Srivastava
Nanotechnol 17 (2006) 3288-3298
Specific heat calculations of III-N bulk materials
A AlShaikhi and G P Srivastava
phys. stat. sol. (c) 3 (2006) 1495-1498
Theoretical study of the structural, electronic and dynamical properties of rocksalt ScN and GaN
S. Duman, S. Bagci, H. M. Tutuncu, G. Ugur and G. P. Srivastava
Diamond \& Related Materials 15 (2006) 1175-78.
Ab initio calculation of the structural and dynamical properties of the zinc-blende BN and its (110) surface
S. Bagci, S. Duman, H. M. Tutuncu, G. P. Srivastava and G. Ugur
Diamond \& Related Materials 15 (2006) 1161-65.
Thermal conductivity of suspended GaAs nanostructures: Theoretical study
S Barman and G P Srivastava
Phys Rev B 73 (2006) 205308:1-6
First-principles studies of ground-state and dynamical properties of MgS, MgSe and MgTe in the rocksalt, zinc blende, wurtzite and nickel arsenide phases
S. Duman, S. Ba\v{g}c{\i}, H. M. T\"{u}t\"{u}nc\"{u} and G. P. Srivastava
Phys Rev B 73 (2006) 205201:1-14
Reply to comment by D R Bowler et al ``Bi nanolines on Si(001): registry with the substrate
R H Miwa, J M MacLeod, A B McLean and G P Srivastava
Nanotechnol 17 (2006) 1803-05
Surface morphology effects on the optical phonon modes in InAs$_x$Sb$_{1-x}$ epilayers on GaAs(001)
P Jayavel, S Nakamura, R Kesavamoorthy, G P Srivastava, W Tomoda, T Koyama, Y Hayakawa
Phys Stat Solidi (b) 243 (2006) R19-R21
Quantitative estimate of phonon scattering rates in different forms of diamond
S. Barman and G. P. Srivastava
Phys Rev B 73 (2006) 073301:1-4
Forward to Professor G. P. Srivastava publications in 2005 (16 publications).