Optically probing surface anchoring of liquid crystals
Summary of EPSRC Grant GR/L41004
Principal Investigator
Professor J Roy Sambles.
In this three year research project the primary aim has been to
explore the surface alignment of liquid crystals. This required the
development of the optical waveguide technique to enable the
exploration of director profiles in a wide range of cells. To this end
we established the fully leaky waveguide technique to explore standard
liquid crystal cells and also initiated experiments with a focussed
beam technique to allow the exploration of the cell-thickness
dependent effects. Silicon oxide, rubbed polyimide and grating
aligning surfaces have all been characterised. We have also shown that
many of the earlier studies which use a Jones matrix approach to
quantify surface anchoring through optical retardation measurements
are seriously flawed.
Principal achievements of the work are as follows:
Development of the fully leaky guided wave technique (1-6) has
provided a major breakthrough in the study of the director profile in
liquid crystal cells. This is now allowing the study of standard
commercial cells from two international companies. Accurate
characterisation of both homogeneous (1,3-8) and homeotropic (2)
aligning surfaces. Quantification of both azimuthal (4,6-8) and
zenithal (1,2) anchoring strengths. Characterisation of the variation
of both surface and bulk order parameters with temperature (7).
Characterisation of grating alignment (9,10) which has largely
confirmed model theory thereby underpinning work on the bistable
nematic devices based on grating alignment. Exploration of the
thickness dependence (11) of surface anchoring which has shown how
longer range forces may influence the strength of surface anchoring
and thereby device behaviour. Demonstration that previous Jones
matrix based determinations of surface anchoring strengths are suspect
Nine papers have so far been published from this work, six more are accepted and three others have been submitted.
[1] Yang Fuzi, Sambles J R, Dong Youmei and Gao
Hongjin (2000) J Appl Phys,
87, pp 2726-2735: Fully-leaky guided
wave determination of the polar anchoring energy of a homogeneously
aligned nematic liquid crystal.
[2] Yang Fuzi, Ruan Lizhen and Sambles J R (2000) J Appl Phys
(submitted) Homeotropic polar anchoring energy of a nematic liquid
crystal using the fully-leaky waveguide technique.
[3] Yang Fuzi and Sambles J R. (1999) J Opt Soc Am B,
16, pp 488 497
Optical fully-leaky mode characterisation of a standard liquid crystal cell.
[4] Hallam B T, Yang Fuzi and Sambles J R (1999) Liq Cryst,
26, pp 657
662 Quantification of the azimuthal anchoring of a homogeneously aligned nematic liquid crystal using fully- leaky guided modes.
[5] Hallam B T, Brown C V and Sambles J R (1999) J Appl Phys,
6682-6689: Quantification of the surface and bulk order parameters of
a homogeneously aligned nematic liquid crystal using fully-leaky
guided modes.
[6] Hallam B T and Sambles J R (2000) Mol Cryst Liq Cryst: (accepted)
Quantifying azimuthal anchoring of nematics using in-plane fields and
fully-leaky guided modes.
[7] Yang Fuzi, Sambles J R and Bradberry G W (1999) J Appl Phys,
85, pp 728 733 Half leaky guided wave determination of azimuthal
anchoring energy and twist elastic constant of a homogeneously aligned
nematic liquid crystal.
[8] Yang F Z, Cheng H F, Gao H J and Sambles J R (2000) Liquid
Crystals (accepted) Determination of the Torsional Anchoring of a
Twisted Nematic Liquid Crystal Using the Half-Leaky Guided Mode
[9] Hallam B T and Sambles J R (2000) Phys Rev E (accepted) An optical
guided mode study of nematic liquid crystal alignment on a zero-order
[10] Hallam B T and Sambles J R (2000) Liq Cryst (accepted)
Groove depth dependence of the anchoring strength of a zero-order grating aligned liquid crystal.
[11] Ruan L Z and Sambles J R (2000) Phys Rev E (submitted) Thickness
dependent liquid crystal anchoring energy, determined by a convergent
beam waveguide technique.
[12] Yang Fuzi and Sambles J R. (1998) Jap J Appl Phys,
37, pp
3998-4007 The influence of surface reflectivities on measurements of
the torsional anchoring strength of nematic liquid crystals.