
School of Physics Safety Manual


LASER SAFETY - Administrative Arrangements

All personnel involved in laser work have a role to play in ensuring the health and safety of themselves and others who may be affected by their work. These guidelines are based on the AURPO Guidance Note No. 7 2006 Edition. and must be followed by all laser workers within the department.

The following Laser Safety measures should be taken:

  • All lasers (except for low power Class 1 devices and laser printers, DVDs, Class 2 pointers etc) should be identified and a laser inventory maintained by the School Laser Safety Officer (SLSO). It is the responsibility of each Laser System Supervisor (LSS) to inform the SLSO of any such devices. Each Laser System supervisor should filled out an inventory performer and returned it to the SLSO;
  • It is the responsibility of each Laser System Supervisor to draw up a Scheme of work for the safe operation of lasers. These will normally be required for all Class 3B and Class 4 when not totally enclosed. Download an example/template here.
  • Personnel intending to work with Class 3R, Class 3B and Class 4 lasers, and others who may be working with modified Class 1M or Class 2M devices, will need to be identified and receive training in the safe use of lasers. A list of registered laser workers should be kept by the SLSO. All personnel intending work with the above device should complete a Registration Form for laser users.
  • Laser safety eyewear are provided and worn (when appropriate) by all people working with Class 3B and Class 4 lasers when the beam is not totally enclosed and that training is given in the use and maintenance of this eyewear. A detailed explanation/calculation for the choice of eyewear should be appended to the Risk Assessment form.
  • Undergraduates working with lasers should use the minimum practicable power laser and follow a written scheme of work. Undergraduate students involved in project work with Class 3B or Class 4 lasers will be treated as laser workers and be subject to the normal registration and training process. They should also be given close supervision;
  • All lasers in the department are used in accordance with this guidance; and
  • Routine surveys are undertaken to ensure compliance with this guidance.
  • A survey form/checklist for new laser installations should be comlpeted by the SLSO. If a survey reveals non-compliance with BS EN 60825 and a potentially dangerous situation, the laser should not be used until the situation has been remedied by the adoption of additional control measures.
  • A summary of warnings & protective control measures for each laser classification can be found here.

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