
Physics Colloquia

Fridays at 1200hrs In Newman F

25 Jan 2002 Cancelled
01 Feb 2002 Physics of semiconductor device processing at the nanometer scale
Prof N. Cowern, University of Surrey
08 Feb 2002 Observing the early Universe
Prof A. Liddle, University of Sussex
15 Feb 2002 TBA
22 Feb 2002 Star formation - towards an understanding of the initial mass function
Dr D. Ward-Thompson, University of Wales, Cardiff
01 Mar 2002 Ion implantation damage in silicon
Prof T. Peaker, UMIST
08 Mar 2002 Atomic scale passivation of surface defects related to semiconductor lasers
Dr S. Wilks, University of Wales, Swansea
15 Mar 2002 Is there a metal-to-insulator transition in dilute two-dimensional systems?
Prof A Savchenko, University of Exeter


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