
Physics Colloquia

Fridays at 1200hrs In Newman F

5 May 2000 Resonant tunneling spectroscopy of local density of states fluctuations in disordered metals
Prof VI Falko, Lancaster University
12 May 2000 Simultaneous stiffness and floppiness in silicate framework minerals, zeolites and ceramics
Prof V Heine, Cambridge University
19 May 2000 Motion of an object through a quantum fluid
Dr CS Adams, Durham University
26 May 2000 Excitons and biexcitons in II-VI quantum wells
Dr I Galbraith, Heriot-Watt University
2 June 2000 Analysis and design of WDM optical communication networks
Dr P Bayvel, University College London
9 June 2000 Strings and other forms of electron phase separation in condensed matter
Prof FV Kusmartsev, Loughborough University
16 June 2000 The mechanics of cell membrane and cytoskeleton
Prof CP Winlove, University of Exeter


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