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5 May 2000 |
Resonant tunneling spectroscopy of local density of states
fluctuations in disordered metals Prof VI Falko, Lancaster University |
12 May 2000 |
Simultaneous stiffness and floppiness in silicate framework minerals,
zeolites and ceramics Prof V Heine, Cambridge University |
19 May 2000 |
Motion of an object through a quantum fluid Dr CS Adams, Durham University |
26 May 2000 |
Excitons and biexcitons in II-VI quantum wells Dr I Galbraith, Heriot-Watt University |
2 June 2000 |
Analysis and design of WDM optical communication networks Dr P Bayvel, University College London |
9 June 2000 |
Strings and other forms of electron phase separation in condensed matter Prof FV Kusmartsev, Loughborough University |
16 June 2000 |
The mechanics of cell membrane and cytoskeleton Prof CP Winlove, University of Exeter |