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18 January 2008 | Magnetic tracking of single proteins - a novel biophysical
Andriy Moskalenko, University of Bath |
25 January 2008 | Quantum nanostructures (TBC)
Cyrus Hirjibehedin, University College London |
1 February 2008 | Measuring the electric dipole moment of the neutron - a very
small measurement with
very big consequences
David Wark, Imperial College London / Rutherford Appleton Laboratory |
8 February 2008 | The E.S.A. Cosmic Vision Programme
David Southwood, European Space Agency |
15 February 2008 | Semiconductor optics (TBC)
Mauro Pereira, Sheffield Hallam University |
22 February 2008 | Modeling of oxide precipitate nucleation in silicon using ab
calculations and classical nucleation theory
Gudrun Kissinger, IHP Microelectronics, Frankfurt an der Oder |
29 February 2008 | Protostellar disc dynamics and planet formation
Giuseppe Lodato, University of Leicester |
7 March 2008 | Near-field cosmology
with Local Group galaxies
Mike Irwin, Institute of Astronomy, Cambridge |
For more details contact
Mark McCaughrean.