
Physics Colloquia

Fridays at 1200hrs In Newman F

7 May 1999 Photonic crystal fibres - the quest for the Holey Grail
Dr TA Birks, University of Bath
11 May 1999 Exciton dynamics and photonic device applications of Pi-conjugated polymers
Prof ZV Vardeny, University of Utah (USA)
14 May 1999 Protein hydration, stability and unfolding
Prof JM Goodfellow, Birkbeck College
21 May 1999 The creation of high energy excitations in superfluid helium
Prof AFG Wyatt, University of Exeter
28 May 1999 The fractional quantum Hall effect - new particles, fractional charges and excitement in a quantum field
Prof RJ Nicholas, Oxford University
4 June 1999 Interacting electron flakes
Dr RA Roemer, TU Chemnitz (Germany)
11 June 1999 Many-body games: two's company, three's a crowd
Dr NF Johnson, Oxford University
18 June 1999 Optical models of living tissues: tissue spectroscopy and imaging
Prof V Tuchin, Saratov State University (Russia)


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