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7 May 1999 |
Photonic crystal fibres - the quest for the Holey Grail Dr TA Birks, University of Bath |
11 May 1999 |
Exciton dynamics and photonic device applications of Pi-conjugated
polymers Prof ZV Vardeny, University of Utah (USA) |
14 May 1999 |
Protein hydration, stability and unfolding Prof JM Goodfellow, Birkbeck College |
21 May 1999 |
The creation of high energy excitations in superfluid helium Prof AFG Wyatt, University of Exeter |
28 May 1999 |
The fractional quantum Hall effect - new particles,
fractional charges and excitement in a quantum field Prof RJ Nicholas, Oxford University |
4 June 1999 |
Interacting electron flakes Dr RA Roemer, TU Chemnitz (Germany) |
11 June 1999 |
Many-body games: two's company, three's a crowd Dr NF Johnson, Oxford University |
18 June 1999 |
Optical models of living tissues: tissue spectroscopy and imaging Prof V Tuchin, Saratov State University (Russia) |